About SI for...



Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a nontraditional form of tutoring that focuses on collaboration, group study, and peer interaction outside of the classroom. Its purpose is to assist students taking traditionally difficult courses, but SI is not a remedial support service.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SI Leader?

An SI leader is a near-peer who has successfully completed the course with an A grade. SI leaders are embedded in a course to provide students with support to understand difficult course concepts and practice effective studying and learning techniques. We typically recommend that the SI leader be selected by the course faculty to ensure effective collaboration. SI leaders undergo robust training that equips them with the ability to guide students successfully. They attend lecture with the students to take notes and stay up-to-date with the course. It is the SI leader’s responsibility to create a an engaging study session plan for the weekly SI sessions.

How can I recommend an SI Leader?

Send your recommendation to the Program Coordinator, Tilly Gibb (Tilly.gibb@utahtech.edu)

How are courses selected for SI implementation?

We implement SI in high-demand, general education classes with high DFW rates (typically greater than 30%) or difficult gateway courses. We’ve already identified a list of 25 courses that fall under this criterion, and we have very little room to make adjustments.


What will faculty be asked to do to support the implementation of SI in their course?

  • Recommend qualified candidates.
  • Consistently communicate with their SI leader. Provide guidance and direction for SI session plans to ensure effective use of time.
  • For incentive to attend, faculty agree to place a grading weight of 15% on the SI session. The extra points come from assignments or participation in activities that occur during the extra sessions.
  • Encourage students to seek the help of the SI leader and utilize their resources.

Want to learn more about the guidelines for SI courses?

Read about the grant that funds our program.